Saint John florist shops are the perfect starting point if you are in search of home decor. Adorning your home with indoor plants and flowers is an affordable yet stylish option. These natural beauties are also celebrated for enhancing indoor air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide. To transform your residence into a Zen-like sanctuary with plants and flowers, you needn't travel far, regardless of your location in Saint John. Plus, you don’t require a green thumb, as there's a plant suited to every type of caretaker. Let’s go shopping.
Budget-Friendly Indoor Plants
7 houseplants to spruce up your Saint John home and where to find them
1. Spider Plant
Dress up your bedroom with a spider plant from Galbraith Florist located on Rothesay Avenue in Saint John. For a bit of greenery and touch of elegance in your bedroom, place the spider plant on your bedside table or dresser near a window. These guys grow best in bright to moderate light and require water weekly.
3. Swiss Cheese Plant
The fast growing Swiss Cheese Plant available at Halifax Seed in Saint John looks especially nice in hanging baskets, bringing an airy and tropical vibe to any room. When potting a baby plant, make sure to select a container that's slightly larger than the plant's root ball and then watch her grow like crazy. The Swiss Cheese Plant prefers moist soil and indirect sunlight, or sunlight filtered by a sheer curtain.
3. Aloe Vera
A sweet spot for Aloe Vera is on a kitchen windowsill where it not only adds a whimsical look to the room but also gives you easy access to its soothing medicinal gel. Afterall you’re more likely to cut yourself in the kitchen than the living room, right? Despite rumours, Aloe Vera is one of the most low maintenance houseplants you can own. Note that when the top few centimetres of your Aloe Vera plant’s soil is dry, it’s probably time for water. We’ve seen these plants at Keirstead’s flower shop ltd, located on Princess Street in Saint John.
4. Chinese Evergreen
The Chinese Evergreen, available at Flowers 4 U Helping Hand in Saint John, is as pretty as it is pink and will make a cute addition to your home office. This plant is also super easy to care for. The Chinese evergreen enjoys direct sunlight but will tolerate low indoor light or even a very dark room, if necessary. Going away for a while? She won’t cause drama if you miss a watering and will also take dry indoor air even though it prefers high humidity.
5. Golden Pathos
With numerous hanging vines, the Golden Pathos will look fantastic placed at the top of your bookshelf. This guy rarely needs water, unless your bookshelf is in a brightly lit room. Signs of overwatering include yellowing leaves and black stems, while under watered plants will wilt and their soil will become dry.
6. Hanging Fern
Cuter than curtains with 70s vibes, the fern plant is a total knockout when she’s all dressed up in macrame and hanging out in a south or west facing window. Keep in mind, Ferns in hanging baskets tend to dry out quickly and require more frequent watering, especially during the summer months. If her leaves look crispy, move the fern further away from the window towards the middle of the room where she will still be a showstopper. Contact Cedarcrest Gardens on Sandy Point Road in Saint John to see their selection of ferns and other indoor plants.
7. Sage
Sage loves a kitchen party as much as she enjoys a tiny splash of water every time you cook dinner. So be sure to cook often. The window sill is an ideal spot for this attractive and aromatic herb. Pruning your sage plant after it flowers will help her keep an attractive shape and encourage new growth year round. Check out the Growing Place on MacLaren Boulevard in Saint John for sage and a variety of other indoor plants.
Now that you’ve found a few plants to spruce up your new home, let’s find some containers to match your interior decor style. For a large assortment of ceramic pots, plastic planters, and metal containers visit Shades of Green on Westfield Road. This Saint John florist offers a wide assortment of planters as well as a variety of exterior and interior decor for all seasons and occasions.